Dolly the sheep the first successful animal clone was born on July 5, 1996. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland. There she was born and there
she died at age 6 on February 14, 2003. Dolly was cloned from a mammary cell. The mammary cell's nucleus was fused with a empty egg cell with the help of a electric shock. The cells started dividing normally and Dolly was successfully cloned. Dolly was named after western singer
Dolly Parton because the sheep came from a mammary cell. Dolly bore for lambs in her life time one (Bonnie) in April 1998, and three others in 1999. In January 2002, Dolly was diagnosed with a from of arthritis a condition only found in older sheep. There was a lot of talk about premature aging Dolly was only five years old and the average age a sheep can lives up to was 11-12. Dolly was a scientific break through at the time it was the first animal to be successfully cloned, many animals have been clone after, but none have lived a healthy normal life. Dolly remains now rest in the Royal Museum of Scotland.
I think that the ability to successfully clone an animal is really fascinating and very interesting to work in the field of cloning. I think one day if we keep on continuing our research we will be able to improve the way our lives are, we would also be able to extend our lives. If cloning was perfected the world food supply problem would be solved, and humans can receive transplants for any type of organ saving many lives. There are only two things I see faulty in cloning, one is that the animals cloned are also living things, and the second is that if we do clone a staple of animals such as cows their genetic material would all be the same and if there were to be a natural disaster we would starve and animals would easily become extinct.